
Leading companies with best practice Ergonomics

The largest disorder that impacts worker well-being and productivity is back pain. This is the central focus moving forward. Our team’s specialization is primary and secondary prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. Primary prevention efforts are aimed at preventing first time occurrence of pain. This requires an analysis of the working demographic, their physical status, movement habits, the environment, and task performed. Secondary prevention efforts are aimed at those workers who already have back pain that negatively influences their well-being and productivity. Secondary prevention is enhanced by understanding the mechanisms that lead to back pain. Important facets are data collection, analysis, and specific technologies to document whole body and spine movements.

paul ergonomics

By understanding the mechanisms, it is possible to precisely discern the cause of pain by combining provocative testing, history, and confirmation based on successful mitigation of pain symptoms. The goal is to reduce pain through changes in musculoskeletal stress, considering posture, motion, and load, as well as exposure over time. This will involve traditional ergonomics together with our efforts to educate and empower workers to control the stresses by choosing optimal movements, postures, and loads to execute work, as well as engage in daily “spine hygiene” protocols. This empowerment is necessary for the worker who must travel to business locations and conduct their work where they are unable to influence the physical surroundings.

Our customized corporate packages include:

  1. Live group workshops
  2. On-line workshops
  3. Education modules
  4. Ergonomic assessment
  5. One-on-one consultations for Secondary Prevention
  6. Specific compensation protocols for homogenous groups within an organization (for example, office workers, truck drivers, cashiers, manual workers, etc.)
  7. A smartphone application for employees with customized compensation routines

“Traditionally Ergonomics has focussed on fitting the workplace to the worker. The modern work environment no longer has one fixed address where workplace design can be controlled. As the trend of work evolves towards the decentralization of business locations to fit the consumer, traditional ergonomics is no longer feasible. The reality is the worker will need to be responsible for organizing their work, including their movements, postures and loads, to optimize their health.” – Professor Stuart McGill